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How to Save Money On Your Water Bill

Saving money is key to achieving financial goals such as getting out of debt. One great way to save money is to reduce your water bill in your apartment!

Were you recently surprised at your latest apartment water bill? Are you struggling to pay your water bills each month?

If you take long showers or frequently do your laundry, you may understand that water bills can quickly spike up. Simple fixes such as having a faucet leak fixed could save you 20 gallons per day, for example!

The average price of water is approximately $1.50 per 1,000 gallons. Although this ends up being less than a penny per gallon, you’d be surprised how many gallons of water you can use up in a month!

Whether it be a simple fix or a lifestyle change, in this article you will learn 13 unique ways to save money on your water bill for your apartment!

Below we will dive into how to save money on your apartment’s water bill and how to quickly earn more cash to pay off your high water bills!

Here are the 13 ways to save money on your apartments water bill:

  1. Limit your shower time
  2. Replace your toilet stopper
  3. Don’t take baths
  4. Check your water bill for inaccuracies
  5. Wash your laundry only on a full load
  6. Request or install a new shower head
  7. Fix leaks
  8. Run the dishwasher on a full load
  9. Don’t let water run
  10. Don’t handwash dishes
  11. Collect rainwater
  12. Ask for a water bill adjustment
  13. Get a low flush toilet
save money on water bill

13 Secret Hacks for Reducing Your Water Bill

Limit your shower time

Reducing the time that you take your shower is one of the most common and effective ways to reduce your water bill.

Showering typically uses 2.5 gallons of water each minute! If you were to reduce your shower by only a few minutes, this will add up significantly over a month.

If you live with family members or other roommates, you can make this a challenge by seeing who can take the quickest showers.

Replace your toilet flapper valve

A unique and uncommon way to save money is to make sure you have an efficient toilet flapper valve.

The flapper valve on a toilet is essentially a stopper that prevents water from leaking. Tit seals the opening between the tank and the toilet bowl. When you flush a toilet, a flapper lifts up Ann water goes into the bowl. An old flapper can then cause your water bills to increase!

One quick way to check to see if your toilet’s flapper valve is worn out or needs replaced, put a few drops of food coloring into your toilet’s tank water. Leave it there for 25-30 minutes and after this time if you see coloring in the toilet bowl itself, then the flapper needs replaced.

Good news is that you can replace a toilet flapper for under $10.

Don’t take baths

Running one bath can take approximately 30 gallons of water. This can add up over a month if you take multiple baths.

Additionally, if you choose to take baths while trying to save money on your apartments water bill, make sure to check the efficiency of the baths drain stopper. It is common to see older bathtubs that need in additional plug or stopper to reduce water leaking during a bath.


Check Your Water Bill for Inaccuracies

Are you absolutely certain that your water bill is correct?

One way to save money on your water bill is to thoroughly analyze it month by month to check it for accuracy. You’d be surprised how many bills are not accurate, but most people don’t take the time to check.

In order to save money, you can request refunds or adjustments to your future bills.  

Wash your laundry only with a full load

A great way to save money on your water bills is to reduce your frequency of using a washing machine.

Depending on how many roommates or family members you have, it is worth your time too consider how to reduce the amount of times per week that you do laundry!

Not only will this help you reduce your water bills, but this also can help you decrease your energy bills as well due to reducing the amount times you use a dryer.

Install different shower heads

If your apartment allows you to make adjustments, it is recommended to install an aerator or a more efficient shower head in order to save extra money on your water bill.

A showerhead aerator reduces the amount of water that is used by increasing water pressure. These attach to the faucet head and add air pressure into the water stream.

Changing your shower head could save you up to 30 gallons of water a day!

Fix any leaks!

One of the most common tips for saving money on your water bills is to fix any leaks you have.

This could include faucets, showers, ice makers, hoses or any other place where you can access water. Even though it seems that a small leak produces just a few drops, it adds up overtime. Some leaks can use up multiple gallons of water a day!

Run the dishwasher on a full load

Similar to the tip about reducing the amount of times you run a washing machine, it is recommended to run your dishwasher less as well.

One way to do this is to agree with your family or roommates to only run the dishwasher when it is completely full. This may require you to buy additional dishes but it can save you money on your water bill, especially if you run your dishwasher often.  

Don’t let water run when shaving or brushing teeth

You can easily reduce your water bill by not running water!

Many people tend to run water while they are brushing their teeth or when they’re shaving. over a month, this adds up to multiple gallons of water!  

It is also common for people to run water while they are washing dishes by hand or when cleaning. Try to be aware of when you do this and you can save money on your next month’s apartment water bill!

Don’t hand wash dishes

This water bill savings tip is helpful if you have access to dishwasher.

Choosing to use a dishwasher instead of hand washing save you approximately 4 gallons per load of dishes!

If you do not have access to dishwasher in your apartment, then try to be aware of running water as you hand wash your dishes try to only use water that you need to use!

Collect rainwater

This frugal savings hack is a great way to reuse water and save money on your apartments water bill!

if you have access to a patio or small deck , consider putting a water captured or bucket outside when it rains.

By collecting rainwater, you can save money on watering plants, doing dishes, cooking, or even getting a “free” flush of a toilet! (I suggest you YouTube how to flush a toilet with a bucket of water – it’s a neat hack!)

Ask For Water Bill Adjustment

An uncommon way to reduce your water costs is to simply ask for an adjustment on your water bill.

A water bill adjustment would be helpful because the water company would credit you back any overcharges.

Some companies may provide adjustments or refunds for your utility or other bills. If they disagree to doing this, you could also request an averaging in order to reduce your monthly rate  

Flush less

Have you ever heard the phrase “If it is yellow, let it mellow. If it is brown, flush it down”?

This is a common frugal savings hack, and although a lot of people would chuckle at this idea, it can save you money on your apartments water bill!

In order to do this, make sure that your family or roommates are on board. It also may be smart to establish rules for flushing when you have guests or other people over.

Request a lower-flush toilet

Another possibility to saving your monthly water bill is to request a lower flush toilet.

Many toilets now are able to use less water with higher pressure in order to achieve a flush. However, depending on the age and price of your apartment, you may not have a very efficient toilet.

Depending on your apartment, you may be able to request or even negotiate to pay for the installation of a low-flow toilet. There are even ways to convert current toilets to be more efficient!

Changing to this type of toilet could save you multiple gallons per flush!


Don’t forget to check out this extensive list of frugal savings hacks to save more money!


How to Make Extra Money to Pay Your Water Bill!

If you are struggling to pay your apartments water bill, here are a few ways to earn additional money!


Using survey sites is a really popular way to earn additional money each month! It requires you to spend time filling out surveys, typically to help companies with making decisions.

I have personally used survey junkie for many years and it is my favorite survey app. if you are interested in learning how surveys work and to set up your free account, check out Survey Junkie here!


A key way too having extra money to pay your water bill is to maintain a budget.  

There is a phrase amongst the financial communities stating that a saved penny is an earned penny. If you are able to save money on going out to eat , for example, you could used that money to easily pay your water bill.

In order to learn more about how to maintain a budget, check out these helpful articles:

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