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Why You Should Live Old Fashioned

Many people nowadays are trying to implement unique savings hacks in order to pay off debt and achieve big financial goals. One popular method is by implementing the grandma savings challenge, also known as using old-fashioned savings hacks to reduce spending.

By living in this vintage way, by using these 30 tried-and-true old fashioned savings hacks, you will find yourself spending less money and having more cash to put toward your debt payoff or be able to save more money for enjoyment and retirement.

This is important because it is always smart to work toward not being in debt. by having more money on hand you will be able to live your life in a far more comfortable way!

grandma savings hacks

How to Live Old Fashioned

in order to live old fashioned, you need to consider that you may feel uncomfortable at times. Due to technology we have significantly more luxury and comfort compared to our grandmas.

However, if we implement daily routines and money saving methods that were used 100 years ago, we could save a significant amount of money over a shorter period of time then just trying to not go out to eat or buy Starbucks.

Living old fashioned can look very different for every person.

Not everyone will feel comfortable with reusing water, for example. It takes time to get used to new habits and new routines.

A helpful piece of advice is to look through the 30 old-fashioned savings hacks below and start with just one or two. As you implement them into your daily routine, choose another. Then, try experimenting with another option.

Eventually, you can live to a true old fashioned life in a modern world , and be saving a huge amount of money in the process!


Save Money Living Like Grandma

We all can think back to our grandmas, or great grandmothers, and remember a few weird ways that they reused items or repurposed things in order to avoid buying new.

The idea behind these old-fashioned savings hacks is to help you live a modern life while implementing the lifestyle from many decades ago!

One difficult aspect of living old-fashioned like our grandmas is that they likely lived with much less money and with higher stakes. They may not have had a choice in regard to saving, budgeting, and reusing.   

Yet, with the grandma savings challenge and these vintage savings hacks, you can confidently improve your finances, improve the environment, and be proud that you’re living a low-maintenance lifestyle.


What is the Grandma Savings Challenge?

The grandma savings challenge consists of implementing 30 unique, but important, savings methods in order to live a more frugal lifestyle.

The infographic below contains old fashioned savings hacks that you can cross off as you incorporate them into your daily habits and routines. Save this photo to your phone and keep track of the vintage savings hacks that you are able to successfully implement into your lifestyle.

Your success with the grandma savings challenge is based off of how many frugal savings hacks you are able to do!

old fashioned savings hacks

30 Old Fashioned Savings Hacks

These 30 old fashioned savings hacks will help you spend less and save more money:


1. Pay with Cash

One of the best ways to Curb Your spending, especially if you are a spontaneous spender, is to pay with cash. This means not paying online and setting budgeting categories. Try using the envelope savings method for success!

2. Grow a Garden

A classic way to save money by living like grandma is to grow your own food. You can start by learning how to grow herbs, then progressed to growing vegetables. Then, grow fruits and you can eventually have an entire garden in your backyard or on your land.

This takes years to perfect but can save you a significant amount of money.

3. Composting

Composting is a way to not only help the environment but too save on trash and recycle bills. By living with zero waste you can save a lot of money and you can even sell your compost too!

4. Wash Your Own Dishes

To save money on water usage, consider hand washing all of your dishes instead of using a dishwasher.

5. Budgeting

A tried and true way to take control of your finances is to have a strict budget. This is critical if you are to use these savings hacks, because what they budget you can clearly see how much money you are saving and how much money you are using each month.

I recommend using a monthly budget and tracking it every week using a free app like Personal Capital!

6. Buy for Quality

The common way to live old fashioned in save money is to buy your items for quality, rather than for price. This relates to furniture and clothing, especially. Although items can be more expensive at first, they can last many more years which will save you far more money in the long term.

7. Use a Fireplace

In order to save money on your utilities, consider using a fireplace for heat. Firewood can be found for very cheap, so this may be a great option to implement into your lifestyle if you have a fireplace in your home.

8. Cancel Subscription Services

One of the top secrets to saving money is to get rid of your subscription services. Your grandma did not need Netflix and neither do you! Be sure to hunt down any sources that you signed up for but forgot to cancel.

9. Reuse Jars and Containers

Many items come in glass containers or ones that are microwavable and reusable. To truly live old-fashioned, save money by keeping containers that can double as Tupperware, and even things like silverware and straws.

10. Minimalism

Minimalism can look very different to each individual but the key with this living lifestyle is to purposefully enjoy life by living with less. This can include taking on a minimalist challenge or simply going through your home and getting rid of older and unused items like clothing and decorations.

11. Do Your Own Hair Cuts

Save money like your grandma by cutting your own hair and coloring it too! You can learn how to do this on YouTube and many hair dye colors can be found for very cheap at a local grocery store.

12. Stay Warm with More Layers

Keep extra socks , sweatpants, in sweatshirts around your home. Instead of keeping your thermostat at a higher temperature, wear more layers in your home to stay warm and save on your electricity bill.

13. Clean with Vinegar

A common vintage savings hack is to clean with the all purpose vinegar in water trick! Be sure to go on Google to find how to use this cleaning concoction, because it can be used for an incredible amount of things in your home! This way you can avoid buying tons of cleaning products and save money over time.

14. Eat All Your Food

An easy savings hack is to always eat all of the food that you buy. This will help you become creative with your meal planning and help you be more grateful for what you purchase. It will also help you to be more purposeful with what you buy, and therefore be a great way to save money on your grocery bills.

15. Walk/Bike to Work

Instead of spending an incredible amount of money on your transportation fees or gasoline for your car, consider living a healthier lifestyle and saving money by walking or biking to work. Not everyone can do this but it has been proven by many people to be a key old-fashioned savings hack that has helped them improve their quality of life.

16. Learn a Trade Skill

There are many skills you can learn in order to make extra money on the side. All of our grandmas seemed to have unique skills, whether it was sewing, baking, crocheting, or even writing. Many of these skills can be used to make extra side money.

17. Eat at Home

A significant way to save money throughout the year is the old fashioned method of always eating at home. By doing this you will save a lot of money and be more health-conscious as well.

18. Air Dry Your Clothing

Instead of using your dryer and increasing your utility bills, go vintage and air dry your clothing. Consider putting up a clothesline outdoors or create one in a room in your home.

19. Go on Roadtrips

Many people overspend on vacations. Back in the day, your grandma likely did not have the luxury to fly across the country and spend thousands of dollars on vacations. Instead, live old-fashioned by going on road trips and enjoying nature and the outdoors.

20. Use Oils for Remedies

There seems to be a homoeopathic oil remedy for nearly every ailment that exists. Not only that, but there are so many oils out there with many unique purposes ranging from cleaning to disinfecting, to polishing. Using oils can save you money in a huge variety of ways!

21. Canning

If you truly want to live like grandma you cannot forget to learn the art of canning! Canning is not only a way to preserve food but it can save you a lot of money in the long run by preserving the food that you grew in your garden, as mentioned above!

22. Fertilize Your Garden with Egg Shells

A unique way to fertilize your lawn and garden is to reuse your egg shells! This is a popular old-fashioned savings hack that can help your process of gardening, canning, and saving money!

23. Reuse Gift Bags and Wrapping

Whenever you get a gift, be sure to keep the paper and gift bag in order to reuse or a future gift. Bonus points if you re gift he present or handmake a gift for less money.

24. Learn Home Skills

A key vintage savings hack is to learn basic home skills to save money. As in, learn how to fix a toilet, change your car’s oil, and fix basic home problems. This will save you money find not needing to hire plumbers or for help with simple home tasks.

25. Eat More Beans

A simple way to save money on food is to implement more beans into your diet. Beans are very cheap and can be very filling as well!

26. Repurpose Clothing and Sheets

We all seem to have a grandma who reuses clothing and sheets. Save money by repurposing these items for years of use!

27. Buy Local

Buying local is a staple too an old-fashioned living lifestyle. Buying directly from farmers could save you money and helps small businesses grow!

28. Use cloth instead of napkins

Using paper napkins results in a lot of waste. Instead, use cloth napkins! These can be reused many times and can save you money over the years.

29. Meal Prep

Meal prepping is essential for saving money and avoiding the urge to go out to eat. It is common to meal prep for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even snacks!

30. Spend More Time Outdoors

A great way to save money on excursions, spend more time with family, add save money on items like electronics is to spend more time outdoors!


These 30 old fashioned savings hacks are great ways to adjust your modern lifestyle to one that is more ecofriendly, and can save you a significant amount of money! Be sure to take part of the grandma savings challenge and post your progress on social media!

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