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Money challenges are a popular way to save up money over a period of time. One of the most popular ways is to save up money over a total of 6 months, 26 weeks, in one year.

In this article, you will learn exactly how this six-month money challenge works, how to have success with money challenges, and a handful of other savings challenge that you may want to try this upcoming year!

What is the 26 Week Money Challenge?

The 26 week money challenge is an easy way to save up $1,378 in 6 months. All this money challenge takes is setting aside money one or two times a week for a total of 26 weeks.

Let’s dive into what this 26-week money savings challenge is, why you would do it, what makes it different than other money challenges, and then of course we’ll go into exactly how to do this 26-week money challenge!

Why Do This Money Challenge?

The first question you need to consider is why would you choose this challenge over another one.

The main reason people choose this challenge over other money-saving challenges is that it only takes six months. In that short amount of time, you will be able to save up over $1,300!

With this money, you could save up for an emergency fund, start a sinking fund, or even set aside the cash for a family road trip! The possibilities are endless.

Everyone needs a “why”. Why is it that you want to do this money challenge?

How to Do The 26 Week Money Challenge

I highly suggest you check out the popular 52-week money challenge before learning about this one. The reason is, this challenge is a shortened version of the 52 weeks (1 year) money challenge. Be sure to learn about how that challenge works first!

To do this 6-month long money challenge, you will first choose if you want to put aside money once or twice a week for the 26 weeks.

Next, you will find a way to set aside your money for this money challenge.

Here are a few examples of ways to set aside cash during a money challenge:

  • Put cash into money envelopes
  • Stuff cash into a money jar
  • Transfer money into a savings account

How Much Money To Set Aside Each Week

As mentioned before, this money savings challenge is a shortened version of the original 52-week money challenge.

Each week you’ll be putting aside the equivalent of two weeks’ worth from the original money challenge. For example, on week 1 you’ll put aside $3 (Week 1 = $1 + Week 2 = $2 of the original challenge).

Without a chart or printable, this can be really difficult to figure out how much money you need to be setting aside every week.

But, no worries! Check out the table below and scroll to the bottom of this article to access your FREE printable for this 6-month money challenge!

This table shows you how much money to set aside each week for the 26-week money challenge:

Week 1$3Week 14$55
Week 2$7Week 15$59
Week 3$11Week 16$63
Week 4$15Week 17$67
Week 5$19Week 18$71
Week 6$23Week 19$75
Week 7$27Week 20$79
Week 8$31Week 21$83
Week 9$35Week 22$87
Week 10$39Week 23$91
Week 11$43Week 24$95
Week 12$47Week 25$99
Week 13$51Week 26$103

The Reverse 26 Week Money Challenge

If you take a look at the chart or printable for this money challenge, you will notice how the amount of money you need to save each week goes up week by week. By the end of this money challenge, you will be setting aside much more money than what you were saving at the beginning of the challenge.

This can be great if you want a challenge and want to build up a habit of saving up money.

However, one great reason this type of money challenge is popular is that it can be reversed. Reversing this savings challenge can make the experience much easier, especially if you are new to money challenges!

How the reverse challenge works is you would save up the amount of money that would be for week 52 on Week 1. Week 2 would be the amount of money for Week 51. Week 3 would be the amount from the original Week 50. Overall, the numbers are flipped!

This reverse version is optional but can be great if you are concerned about not having enough motivation to last the full 6 months!

Do I Set Aside Money Once or Twice A Week?

Another great reason this 6-month money savings challenge is popular is that you have the option to put aside your money either once or twice a week.

I have found that most people find it easier to set aside money once a week during this money challenge.

You are more likely to have success when you need to find your cash one time a week, or else the challenge could become a bit too difficult to stick to it for a full 6 months!

You’ll find that on the FREE printable, I set it to be weekly increments rather than twice a week.

How To Have Success with This Money Challenge

If there is one piece of advice that you need to know coming into this money challenge, it is that you need to find a way to stay motivated!

Most people don’t finish the money challenge that they started. Don’t be one of them!

Here are a few tips for success with this 6-month money challenge:

  • Have an end goal: Are you saving up this cash for a car downpayment? For a trip to Disney? Think about your reason “why” and regularly remind yourself!
  • Get your family on board: Make sure everyone is involved! This helps make the money savings experience more fun and it can even become a friendly competition!
  • Track your progress: I am a huge fan of printables! Use the FREE printable on this page to keep track of your money challenge’s progress each week!


The 26-week money savings challenge is a fun way to save up $1,378 in 6 months!

This money challenge can be personalized in multiple ways to help you have a better experience and to enjoy the challenge!

Dedicate yourself over the next 6 months to this fun savings challenge and see if you can successfully save up the full amount of cash by the end of the 26 weeks!

Learn More!

Quickly Save $1000 in 6 Months Using Envelopes

Save Up Over $3300 This Year Using Nickels

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