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There are nine success habits that every successful woman should have! These are important habits to have if you want to be a successful entrepreneur, want to be successful online or if you just want to grow wealth and be abundant!

I have been in the online sphere for almost three years now and I have adapted these habits into my life. They have been transformative, but I will say is that these habits are not an exhaustive list.

These are the 9 success habits every woman needs:

  1. Get more sleep
  2. Turn notifications off
  3. Get a deep focus playlist
  4. Use essential oils
  5. Learn how to say no
  6. Use the One Thing method
  7. The 20-20-20 Method
  8. Make bad habits hard
  9. Go to sleep earlier

So, let us dive into these nine different success habits that you can implement into your life so that you can continue to grow more as a woman and achieve your biggest goals!

The 9 Success Habits Every Woman Must Have

1. Get more sleep.

This habit is about getting more sleep.

There is an entire science behind sleep and most Americans see sleep as a burden. Sleep gets in our way! You want to stay up late to get things done, you need to wake up early to get to work and get kids ready.

Sleep sounds like a such a burden… but when you look at the science behind sleep, it is actually restorative, helpful for memory development, preventing diseases and more. So, when it comes to sleep, the key is to have a routine where you go to bed at the same time every night and you wake up at the same time every morning.

It is important to have consistency with your sleep cycles!

2. Turn Notifications Off

This tip is so important because we are in this culture where we have to always be checking our devices. We always are getting new texts, emails, and notifications from social media.

When you are doing your work, when you are trying to build your online business, or when you are trying to learn for school, it is imperative to turn your notifications off!

Many people suggest putting your phone over to the side or even tell your spouse that you were going to be totally off the grid between certain times.

3. Get a deep focus playlist

I really have found it to be helpful to go into Spotify or go into Pandora to find a deep focus playlist.

Everyone has a different suggestion! Some people really like classical music, others like jazz. You may be more into the ambient sounds!

Everyone is different but finding a playlist that you can turn on and only turn it on when you are going to be productive, learning, or studying, is helpful to put your mind in the mindset of work!

4. Use essential oils

The theory of the previous tip ties in with this habit!

So, I know that this tip sounds a bit “new agey” but keep reading on!

Some people put scents under their noses some people put on their wrists. Others may put it in a diffuser.

By having a consistent scent during your times of productivity, you can create a “focus mindset”, knowing that when you smell a specific smell that it is time for your brain to focus!

This is the same phenomenon as increased focus when you chew gum during studying. It is a way to tune in your focus and a way to set aside everything else in the world and tell your brain “okay, we’re going to be productive”!

5. Learn how to say no

Saying no and building the habit is so important!

Most of us really want to please others. We want to serve others.

You’ve experienced this before, where someone wants to hang out, but you have other responsibilities to do. However, you choose to hang out with your friend to avoid your responsibilities!

Saying no is critical to growing your success because you grow your ability to determine what really is important in your life. Your time is precious!

If you were trying to build a side business and you keep saying yes to hangouts and events then you would never have the time to establish and build up your business! This applies to if you are a student, or whatever you unique life situation is.

6. Use the One Thing Method

The one thing is a book that is centralized around the idea of doing one thing every single day to get you toward your goal.

All of us have different goals. Some of us have big financial or maybe you have goals with your career or  a side business.

The key is to build the success habit of doing one thing a day to get yourself to your goal. This is far more productive that trying to pile everything all at once.

Getting 1% better at something every day is far better than trying to get 50% better in a day.

To begin this, think of a large goal you have. It can be financial, your health, or even in a relationship. What is one thing that you can do today to get yourself closer to that goal?

Doing this may simply be reviewing your finances, looking at your expenses and income statements, or it may easily be not going and getting your expensive coffee today.

Doing one small thing each day to guide your life closer to your goals compounds together.

7. 20-20-20 Method

I have found this to be extremely helpful when it comes to studying, working on a side business, or doing any type of productive work.

I have experimented with the 20-20-20 and the 30-30 method and both work well!

What this means is that you split up your “productive hours” to do different work every 20 minutes or every 30 minutes. It depends on the method you choose to try.

I typically like the 20-20-20 where I do 20 minutes of one type of work, then 20 minutes of another form of productivity. This could look like reading for 20 minutes, writing for 20 minutes, then researching for the final 20 minutes of the hour. Then, repeat for the next hour.

Don’t intend to finish the first task during your first “round” of productivity.

Many people recommend taking a break for the final “20 minute” section of the hour. Sounds crazy but there is actually a psychological science behind this.

Problem here is that we typically lose focus after 20 minutes of focus. That is when you begin going for your phone, social media, bathroom breaks and so forth.

Before you lose your focus, start something new!

The 30-30 method is the same idea but two types of productive work, split into 30-minute sections of the hour.

This productivity habit is about staying on top of your productivity rather than trying to cram and get everything done at once and wasting your time!

8. Make your bad habits hard

I discovered this awesome productivity habit in a popular book called Atomic Habits.

This tip is to make your daily bad habits into difficult habits.

For example, maybe you like going to get coffee every day. Or maybe you don’t like going to the gym and you keep skipping workout.

The key here is to make your bad habits into very difficult habits. You could choose a different route to go to work to avoid the urge to buy your expensive coffee. Or, you could pack your gym clothes and place them in your passenger seat so every time after work you look at the bag and it makes it just a little bit more difficult to not go to the gym.

Another example would be for those of you who struggle with sleeping in. You could set one alarm and make it so that you cannot keep pressing snooze.

9. Go to bed earlier

The final productivity habit is to go to bed earlier!

Earlier we discussed sleep. As you know, sleep is important but going to bed earlier and waking up earlier is a proven way that millionaires grow their success.

This is one of those success habits that many people talk about but is difficult to implement.

There are many amazing ways to spend an extra 30 or 60 minutes in the morning:

  • Exercise
  • Meditate
  • Journal
  • Read the Bible
  • Work on a side hustle

Understandably, this productivity habit requires a specific work and lifestyle schedule. However, it is important to realize that you do not have to wake up at 5:00 AM to be productive in the morning!

Getting an extra 30 minutes in the morning can make a huge difference on your stress levels in the morning. So few people actually implement this productivity habit because it can be difficult to begin but once you do it you will realize the impact of this simple lifestyle change!



Hopefully you are able to implement some of these productivity hacks into your life to change your life or change your worldview.

Be sure to not try to change your lifestyle cold turkey and try to become the “new you” overnight! These productivity habits take time to adjust to. Be patient with yourself and find others who can motivate you!

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