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10 Inspirational Quotes (About Money!) By Women

As a woman myself, there’s nothing I love more than to praise other women for their hard work and successes.

I love how Serena Williams, a world-famous tennis player, stated it:

The success of every woman should be an inspiration to the rest. – Serena Williams

I believe it is so important to lift up other women as they try to navigate the corporate world, feed their families, and succeed financially.

No matter your background, age, political or religious beliefs, or educational level, we should all be encouraging each other to achieve greatness.

One way I have seen this is within the amazing debt-free community on Instagram. You can find many women in this community by searching “#dfc” while in the app.

The ladies over there are amazing. Seriously. The amount of uplifting messages, inspirational comments, and helpful advice is incredible!

Feel free to check out our Instagram account here and see all the hard-working women I follow and are inspired by daily!

With that said, if you are at all interested in taking control of your finances, let the following women be an inspiration!

Trust me, the feeling of financial freedom is amazing! The ability to have full control of your finances and be able to budget and project spending gives you a sense of independence and fulfillment.

For many more articles, how-to’s, and guides to financial independence, go check out our budgeting articles! We’d love to help you take control of your money and become debt free!

Ready to dive into these incredible quotes by inspiring women? Here are the 10 quotes by women who invest their finances:

  1. Money looks better in the bank than on your feet – Sophia Amoruso
  2. Budgeting your money is the key to having enough – Elizabeth Warren
  3. There are people who have money and people who are rich – Coco Chanel
  4. Being financially literate is a powerful thing, especially for women – Otegha Uwagba
  5. A woman’s best protection is a little money of her own – Clare Boothe Luce
  6. Give yourself permission to change your mind, and to start small – The Financial Diet by Chelsea Fagan
  7. Some of us are becoming the men we wanted to marry – Gloria Steinem
  8. Debt erases freedom more surely than anything else – Merryn Somerset Webb
  9. Some people make enough, some people don’t, and it has nothing to do with their paycheck – Janene Murphy
  10. Women with money and women in power are two uncomfortable ideas in our society – Candace Bushnell

10 popular wuotes by famous women who invest their money! Discover 10 great saying from wealthy women who are smart with thejr finances.

    Let’s dive into each of these unique quotes!

    1. Money looks better in the bank than on your feet – Sophia Amoruso

    One of the foundational concepts to budgeting, saving, and investing is in one important trait: behavior.

    To demonstrate how important it is, we wrote a full article about the significance of this single skill here!

    When you’re a beginner at budgeting, it is hard. Really hard. It isn’t fun to shift your mindset from immediate satisfaction to delayed gratification.

    But, it is completely possible!

    Just think about your “why”.

    As in, do you really need to spend tons of money on that new shirt or can you find a less expensive alternative online?

    And, what about those daily morning coffees that rack up money every month? Could you consider living without them for a few months?

    It’s about perspective. It’s about behavior. And, it’s about changing your life for the better!


    2. Budgeting your money is the key to having enough – Elizabeth Warren

    All politics aside, this is a great quote.

    I fully believe that it is not optimal to start investing money until you have a grasp on money management.

    And to be honest, it isn’t hard to do that! Download a budgeting app on your phone, or pick up one of the amazing personal finance books we recommend on our website here!

    The only way to have enough is to intimately know your personal financial situation, and to appropriately budget.

    I highly encourage you to start today. If you’re a seasoned budgeter, then I encourage you to look again at your financial goals.

    Is there anywhere you could cut down? Maybe you could unsubscribe from a service you really don’t need, or find more coupons to use at the grocery store!

    Get creative and save more so you can invest more and live more.


    3. There are people who have money and people who are rich – Coco Chanel

    I love this quote, because it reminds me of the amazing book called, The Millionaire Next Door.

    I always categorize people with money into two sections: wealthy and rich.

    Some are wealthy, as in, they have enough assets to consider themselves well off.

    Others are “rich”, as in, they live for materialistic objects and you can tell that they have money just by looking at them.

    I highly encourage you check out the book above to get an amazing outlook on America’s wealthy and rich. You’ll gain an entirely new worldview and know how to manage your money to become wealthy and not outspend your means!



    4. Being financially literate is a powerful thing, especially for women – Otegha Uwagba

    Imagine being a woman AND financially literate. Whoa. That’ll blow some people’s minds.

    Which, is sad. It’s sad that us women have the stereotype that we cannot handle money. We certainly can!

    Of course, it takes time. It takes dedication. It takes effort and struggle and sometimes, tears. But, imagine how proud you’ll be when you can exclaim that you’re debt free!

    You’ll build amazing skills along the way, including controlling your behavior around money, which is critical for becoming financially independent.

    (Thankfully there are awesome free services that can help us out to learn about our money!)

    And most importantly, you’ll be a woman who understands her finances.


    5. A woman’s best protection is a little money of her own – Clare Boothe Luce

    I fully believe all women should be financially literate!

    There should be nothing holding you back from understanding your personal cash flow, budgeting, and being able to save for your best future!

    Don’t try to depend on someone else to do the saving and investing!

    Take action. Seriously. Today.

    Read a book, watch some videos, and start your journey to becoming debt free!


    6. Give yourself permission to change your mind, and to start small – The Financial Diet by Chelsea Fagan

    We all start somewhere.

    Why not start today?

    One question I like to ask women is to imagine what their life would be in 3 years from now.

    Yes, just 3 years down the road.

    I have found that most of us don’t dream big! We don’t see the potential in ourselves. We don’t see the possibility.

    Today I challenge you to think of your perfect life in only 3 years from now.

    Dream big.

    Your mind will find a way to achieve it. Every day is a new opportunity to take a small step toward your goals!


    7. Some of us are becoming the men we wanted to marry – Gloria Steinem

    This should be all of our goals, right?

    I can almost guarantee that you grew up being told by your mother to find a doctor or a lawyer to marry when you grew up.

    At least I was told this.

    Gloria’s quote is so motivational, because it shows that we can be as successful as the men that our parents encouraged us to marry.



    8. Debt erases freedom more surely than anything else – Merryn Somerset Webb

    This is the core of the entire #financialfreedom movement!

    When you are in debt, you are not financially free.

    I encourage you to write down all of your debt. It may take awhile, but physically write down all of your student loans, your house loan, car loans, etc.

    The number may scare you.

    At least, I know it has scared quite a few of us!

    Imagine not having to worry or stress over those numbers. If you had to write any numbers down, you are not financially free.

    Just remember that it is possible to rid yourself of debt and success at personal money management.

    All it takes is a little grit, hustle, and determination.

    You. Can. Do. It.


    9. Some people make enough, some people don’t, and it has nothing to do with their paycheck – Janene Murphy

    As we budget more, and save more, we will therefore have more money.

    I have heard countless women tell me that they don’t want more money due to not wanting to be greedy, or appear that way.

    Having more money does not mean you will inherently want more money and become that way!

    Regarding this quote, some people who have more money will simply tend to spend more.

    BUT, what I have found fascinating, is that the women I’ve spoken to, who have spent years to achieve financial freedom by sacrificing, do not become big spenders!

    The middle class in our culture is constantly being pushed to buy more and look like the rich.

    Don’t let this affect you, especially as you are still in debt!

    This is a great quote to keep in mind as you start accumulating wealth. Don’t let having more money make you feel like you must spend more.

    Because, if you spend more, you may end up right as you began: in debt.

    10. Women with money and women in power are two uncomfortable ideas in our society – Candace Bushnell

    I left this quote last, on purpose.

    Ladies, listen. Even with all the great, recent advances women have had in our society (I’m referencing to the good ‘ole USA), we still are considered intimidating if we are more successful than our male counterparts.

    Well, that’s not cool.

    Imagine your life once you gain financial freedom and start investing.

    Moreover, imagine simply talking investing to anyone. You may get some weird looks!

    I certainly have!

    This should never scare you. You should never be worried about being perceived this way.

    In fact, it should excite you! With every woman who learns to manage her money, we are making great strides!

    Let this quote sink in and think about how your financial goals fit in with our current societal norms.

    I hope you feel even slightly more inspired than before reading this article! For more guides and information, be sure to check out the other content we have to offer!


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