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30 Conversations to Have With Your Man About Money

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Congrats! You are planning to make a commitment to a rewarding life of financial freedom!

If you are at all unfamiliar with the FIRE movement, or about financial independence, we encourage you to go check out our blog!

We have tons of helpful articles from budgeting for beginners, to passive income, and investing. Written by women, for women, and in easy-to-understand language.

Nevertheless, we are excited you are here!

Getting your spouse/boyfriend/fiancé on board with starting a financial journey is critical, but it isn’t always easy.

You see, reaching financial freedom takes significant dedication, motivation, and effort. It takes sacrifice and won’t always be fun.

But the result is completely worth it!

Imagine being able to go for a month-long vacation just because you want to visit a new country.

Imagine fully paying for your child’s education through your passive income streams.

Imagine helping your family and friends pay off all their debt.

It all starts here. It all begins with getting your man interested in the sacrifice that will make your financial lives beyond what you thought you’d achieve.

In this article, we have listed out some of the most important conversations and topics to discuss with your partner about your financial future.

Some will be easier to discuss than others, of course!

Yet, open and honest conversations are crucial, especially if you plan on getting rid of your hefty student loans in a matter of a year, or if you want to pay a huge pile of medical bills fast.

Overall, just know that it really does take sacrifice from both partners to make your financial independence a success!

You both won’t be perfect. You may take it much more seriously, for example. But, by having these conversations now, it’ll save you arguments in the future!

ALSO: If you are a beginner at this whole “saving and budgeting money” thing, check out our free workbook for beginners! It’ll be fun to explore your financial goals before you discuss with your man, and can really help you with your mindset around money!

30. How few and how many children are you willing to have?

How many years away would you want to plan for children, or are you interested in letting nature take the wheel? How will you afford these children?

29. How much money do you regularly spend on beauty?

This could include: hair and nail appointments, beard grooming, makeup, oils/masks/creams, hot tools, hair coloring, and even waxing and hair accessories.

28. Will one of you oversee paying bills?

Who will keep track of this, and how?

27. Do you keep a budget?

If so, how? How often do you update this budget, and how much do you actually stick to it?

26. How often do you check your bank accounts?

Do you know your net worth? Are you fully aware of what automated withdrawals or deposits you have?

25. What type of lessons or sports do you want your children to be involved in?

Look up pricing for leagues, equipment, and coaching. Consider this when estimating how much a future child may cost.

24. How much do each of you spend a month on non-essential items?

(examples: eating out, clothing that isn’t required to purchase, home décor, etc.)

23. Do you purchase or belong to any subscriptions services?

How many, and how much do they cost? Are they absolutely necessary?

22. How important is travel to you?

If you had the money, where would you travel and how often would you want to travel?

21. What are things you commonly purchase spontaneously?

Why do you like to buy this? Is this something you’d be willing to have your partner help you to stop when you want to buy it next time?

20. Do you want to retire at a specific age?

What do you think it would take to get there?

19. Will you consider sterilization, freezing eggs, or other forms of contraception in the future?

Consider the cost compared to any current contraceptives and/or discuss moral views.

18. A marriage is a lifetime commitment, what would be the tipping point to make that commitment break?

(This is a good opportunity to discuss expectations with your partner for both short term and long term)

17. Most divorces end due to money. Therefore, how do you plan to handle future financial conversations?

Have you ever not told your partner about certain purchases?

16. Do you plan on having separate or joint bank accounts?

Do you track your spending and saving?

15. How often do you eat out?

Do you have any habits (ex. coffee, smoothies) that you regularly spend money on? Are you willing to change that habit or stop buying those things to save money?

14. Do you have any hobbies you wish to begin or continue when you have the time or opportunity?

How much would you estimate it cost?

13. Are you willing to meal prep to save money on food?

What day of the week would you prepare the food? Would you be willing to prep breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

12. What do you know about insurances?

Do you own life, car, health, and disability insurance? What are your deductibles, payments and copays?

11. How important is it for you to “keep up with the Jonses”?

For example, would you rather own a nice car or an older, used car? What about a home?

10. Do you ever plan to enter or leave the corporate world?

What will be your motivation to achieve this large goal? How will you stay accountable?

9. Did your parents teach you about money?

What did you learn (or not learn)? How did your parents handle money?

8. How much do you know about investing?

Have you done any research or have any money invested at the moment? Do you have goals for your investments?

7. Do you own any pets, or do you want to own pets?

How many, and what types? How much do you estimate it costs to purchase and maintain ownership of them?

6. Would you rather be minimalist and have no one know you are a millionaire, or have materialistic items like expensive cars or a designer wardrobe?

5. How many loans do you have in total?

What about your student loans? Do you have any plans in place to pay these off?

4. Are you willing to begin a side hustle to earn more money?

What type of side hustle would you be interested in pursuing?

3. How do you see yourself in 10 years?

What do you look like, and what will others say about you?

2. To what extremes are you willing to take to get rid of all your debt?

How will you learn about debt freedom (podcasts, books, YouTube, etc.)? What does financial freedom mean to you?

1. How do you plan to encourage, motivate, and help each other through your financial journey?

Will you plan regular meetings? How will you approach your partner when they start slacking?


Thanks for reading through this big list!

Hopefully this will provide a great opportunity for conversation starters! It is important to be on the same page with your partner if you are going to create this life together.

We’ve discussed in previous articles that it is recommended that you don’t get super excited about your #debtfreejourney and take radical steps right away! It is a journey. It will take time, and it is different for every person and every couple.

But, the more serious you both can be about it, the quicker the results! Your potential is limitless, you just have to be willing to put in the effort!

Go check out one of the topics on the top of your screen for more articles to help you through this journey!

We’d love to hear from you in the comments with any other conversations that were helpful for you and your partner! 

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