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The Cheap Honey and Cinnamon Mask
Let’s talk about my favorite homemade honey and cinnamon face mask!
If there is one thing in this world I am confident about, it is that I was not blessed with clear skin!
Here’s my quick story about why I am so passionate about inexpensive, homemade honey and cinnamon masks:
Two years ago I was working on getting my Doctorate in Physical Therapy, and I was both crazy stressed and ate bad. My skin took a turn for the worse and I had horrible acne like never before.
I sought out help from two dermatologists but merely got the recommendation of going onto Accutane (I don’t think it’s worth the side effects since I want to have kids). Instead, I tried DOZENS of over-the-counter acne products with very minimal luck.
After spending hundreds over the course of a few months, I came across the cheap honey and cinnamon mask, and figured it was worth the try, since I had tried everything else out there!
I was absolutely blown away, you guys! This was an instant cure for me. In two weeks of doing this daily, I had smooth and clear skin. I have photo proof!
Now, it may not work for you, and definitely isn’t an option if you are allergic to either ingredient. I also always suggest you go see a dermatologist and/or medical professional if you have skin problems, and don’t take this for medical advice – I’m merely sharing my experience!

Honey and Cinnamon Mask Ingredients
Now, it may seem obvious what ingredients go into this homemade face mask for acne, but let me dive into what you should exactly look for at the store!
So, why honey?
Honey is known to be a natural moisturizer and antibacterial!
When I was in PT school we learned about a ton of medical-grade medications and bandages that are made with honey. I was surprised at how honey is used throughout eastern and western medicine for healing.
Okay, so I have experimented with three honey brands and types over the past two years as I had ran out, to see if any are better than others.
The first thing to look for is the honey being RAW and UNFILTERED.
For example, this is the honey that you can find on Amazon is what I have stuck with over the past year.
The reason you want raw and unfiltered honey for your honey and cinnamon mask is because all the other ones are jam-packed with sugars – which can clog your pores and could cause you to get more acne!
When it is raw and unfiltered, it still maintains it’s natural components. This is critical for producing the antibacterial healing for the acne that you are likely to be seeking in this homemade face mask for acne.
As I did my research, I found that it’s even better if you get manuka honey, which is a very rare and special honey from Australia, known for it’s “healing agents”. It’s much for expensive though! Although I have not personally tried it, I have found good results with the honey I currently use.
The reason cinnamon is important for the homemade honey and cinnamon mask is because cinnamon is a natural anti-inflammatory and helps with exfoliation!
I have found it to be great for making my face feel smooth after the mask. One thing to note though, it can be normal for your skin to be red after the honey and cinnamon mask for around 20 minutes! I have found that if I use more cinnamon, my skin can appear more red. It does not itch or hurt at all, though, and it naturally goes away. I have seen this on other reviews as well.
Now, I have found that you don’t need any special cinnamon to get the job done. This is the one I personally use, as you can see, it’s from Amazon as well. But, you can head over to your local grocery store and pick your favorite brand.
How to Make A Homemade Honey and Cinnamon Mask
There is no special technique to make the homemade honey and cinnamon mask, but these following steps are a good tutorial:
- Get a small bowl and spoon
- Mix 1 part cinnamon to 3 parts honey in the bowl
- Apply to face or areas of acne prone skin. Make sure you have removed makeup prior to application.
- Leave on for 20 minutes
- Rinse off mask and pat dry
This is how I personally use the homemade mask. You may find that you do less or more time. Or, that you like to change up the ratio of the ingredients. There’s nothing wrong with a little healthy experimentation!
What Can You Add to a Honey and Cinnamon Mask?
If you research homemade face masks, there are dozens of unique household ingredients you can add. I have tried a few, but these are the only ones that I thought were worth it!
Lemon is a common addition to face and hair masks. When it comes to lemon itself, this is referring to adding natural lemon juice to your homemade face mask.
Lemon is considered an antioxidant with astringent qualities. It can also help with reducing inflammation, and could help brighten your skin.
If you decide to try using it in your homemade honey and cinnamon mask, try adding just a few drops, as it will make the mask more runny if you add more.
I discovered turmeric when researching ways to boost my homemade honey and cinnamon face mask to brighten my skin and battle acne scars!
This is turmeric I use! It is actually cheaper than the other face mask ingredient options!
Turmeric is a popular ingredient in face masks as well, but one word of caution: Do not get it on anything!
Turmeric can quickly and easily stain towels and clothes. Therefore, I suggest that if you add this to your mask, to do it before a shower and wash it off in either the shower or with an old towel!
Hopefully you gained insight for deciding if this inexpensive cinnamon and honey homemade mask is a good option for you! I have loved that it is both effective for me AND has helped me save an incredible amount of money!
As mentioned before, this article is not for medical advice. Rather, I am providing my personal experience and it’s for entertainment purposes only. Thanks for reading and comment below about your experience with this mask!