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Sometimes, blogging sucks.

Let me ask you some quick questions:

  1. Have you spent countless hours trying to get your blog up and running?
  2. Are you interested in blogging but literally have no idea where to start?
  3. Have you been thoroughly disappointed by trying to get your blog to make money?

You. Aren’t. Alone.

If you are a new blogger (or hope to be one!) then you may feel overwhelmed at how complicated and consuming blogging can be.

But, it doesn’t have to be that way.

In this article we will explore one way that significantly helped us begin our blog, and we really think it could help you a ton!

So, before diving in, let’s go over what you’ll learn!

In this article, you will discover:

  • The best way for any beginner blogger to skyrocket into a successful blogging career
  • Honest resources for starting a money-making blog
  • The ONE STEP you can do today that will be the quickest way to make your blog profitable

BUT before getting started, if you are interested in learning more about blogging, be sure to check out one of our other popular articles to help jumpstart your success as a blogger!

Why Blog?

1. Passive Income

The single reason most people start blogging: MONEY.

Admit it. You discovered blogging from an article talking about passive income or by seeing a pin that promised you’d “make thousands each month if you started a blog.”

You’ve probably seen people write about how they are earning hundreds of thousands per month, have quit their jobs, and are living the most perfect life travelling the world.

Its possible. But, it isn’t necessarily realistic.

What do we mean? Well, it is totally realistic to make a goal of earning a couple hundred dollars a month within your first year blogging.

Not that realistic to make a goal of earning tens of thousands.

But, the big question here: Then, why blog?

Let’s keep on reading for that one!

2. Creative Outlet

Do you enjoy helping people? Reading? Writing? Graphic design?

If any of those are a no…

Do you enjoy learning?

The thing is, countless people are earning money by blogging, and I am so sure that an incredibly few amount of people actually knew how to make a perfect pin or how to design a website before starting.

As long as you have a desire to learn, blogging isn’t that far out of your reach!

3. Endless Potential

As mentioned above, there are plenty of people who are ridiculously successful at blogging!

And almost every time, they are typical people like you and me.

Unfortunately, there are not a lot of free, all-encompassing resources out there to help newbies with their new blog.

But, once you know the secrets, your blogging income can literally double by the month.

(Keep reading for one critical blogging secret!)


How to Start Blogging Today

This article isn’t meant to show you how to start a blog. (We have a detailed article for that here!)

Blogging is more than just signing up and writing a few words here and there.

But, before you go further…

  • You need to figure out your why.

Blogging is more than trying to make money! It is about helping others solve problems.

  • You need to figure out your niche.

Your niche is the “topic” or “category” of your blog. Yours can literally could be about anything! Finance, gardening, cars, riflery, brush writing/calligraphy, etc.

  • You need to find honest advice.

Be critical with what you read online! Really though, there are a ton of new “bloggers” whose ONLY reason for writing is to earn money from you.


The First Step To Blogging!

As a personal finance blogger, there is one thing we promise to always stick to: honest, budget-friendly advice.

With that in mind, let us ask you one important question:

How much does your time cost?

Instead of quickly reading on, think about that one real quick!

Are you a mom? Are you in school? Are you working?

Talk about huge time consumers!

Okay, so the reason we bring those up is the simple fact that blogging really isn’t that hard once you know what you’re doing. It’s how long it can take to learn everything that is the hard part!

What all do you have to learn to start blogging?”, you ask…

Ready? This is not a full list!:

  • Hosting
  • WordPress
  • SEO (search engine optimization)
  • Marketing/sales
  • Website design
  • Social media
  • Graphic design for logos, Pinterest, blog graphics, etc.
  • Writing effectively
  • Monetization methods – and doing them correctly
  • Budgeting, tracking cash flow
  • Email services, designing and writing emails
  • Coding

Ugh! It’s a lot for anyone to learn.

So, how did we quickly go from nothing to something in just a few short months? How did we start earning money?

How did we get to this point where you found our article and are learning from us?

All because of ONE DECISION…

Take A Reputable Course

You see that third word there?


Don’t go taking some random course by some blog that started 3 months ago.

No no no no!

Listen, there are plenty of people trying to make money off you out here on the internet. Don’t be fooled.

Before starting this blog, we did our research. With very limited time and money, we sought to find the best course, at the best price, that promised the best results.

Did we find it? Heck yeah we did!

The course is called Launch Your Blog and we are here to tell you every darn reason how and why it made our blog so successful and how it could help you!


How This Course Helped Us (and how it can help YOU)

The description for the popular Launch Your Blog course literally says it is:

the solution for taking your blog from $0 to $1,000/month with free traffic, affiliate marketing, and other awesomesause strategies.

With guidance and step-by-step tutorials, many bloggers say it is completely possible to regularly earn $1,000 per month by the end of your first year blogging.

But, if you work a full time job, or have kids, or are in school, it’s not so easy.

So, why this course?

To begin, the creators, Alex and Lauren, earn hundreds of thousands through their two highly successful blogs.

They know a thing or ten.

Alex and Lauren put together this (among a few other) courses to help brand new bloggers make money.

And we are SO THANKFUL to have found this course!

For example, some step-by-step topics covered in Launch Your Blog include:

  • How to start a blog and build it quickly
  • Social media, including Pinterest and Facebook guides
  • Email services and creating enticing emails
  • The easiest (and most profitable!) ways to earn money
  • Marketing using free traffic
  • …AND MORE!

We learned how to advertise on social media (our Pinterest traffic is exponentially increasing!), how to use affiliate marketing to earn (which helped us start earning hundreds in no time!), and how to build a foundation for becoming a six-figure blogger!

Plus, Alex and Lauren are completely honest with their blogging fails, and regularly give great advice through their email subscription.

This course is truly my biggest secret!

After finishing the course, we were really excited to share about it (we had to make sure it was well worth it), and we will soon put together a detailed post about every aspect of the course!

But until then, let me ask you one thing.

Are you ready for the next step?

Of course you are!

You can discover this amazing course for beginner bloggers here!

You can also start your blogging journey with the best hosting platform, OR learn more about the exact steps to starting a blog by clicking here!

Eager to Learn More?

Check out these other articles to help you become a better blogger!

Do you have other suggestions that our other readers could benefit from? The comment section is just a scroll away!

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All advice and opinions provided in this post are reflections on experience and are for educational and entertainment purposes only. Please see our disclaimer page details.

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