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How Do You “Attract Money”?

Imagine changing one simple aspect of your life and suddenly getting more money and opportunities handed to you. Sound too good to be true?

There are countless theories, methods, courses, and famous speakers out there that promise a way to bring more money into your life.

As someone who has dabbled in meditation after learning about the millionaire morning routine, I was naturally interested in finding more unique ways to improve my potential for more cashflow.

Over the course of the past two years I have trialed and practiced a handful of methods that sell the idea of attracting more money into your life.

I’ve learned about Feng Shui, the famous Law of Attraction, vision boards, and even simply trying new methods of manifesting through meditation.

Did they work? I definitely had a few odd coincidences.

But there isn’t hard proof for these – it is important to keep an open mind and to do some extra research on your own!

I’m sharing my experience and thoughts on three of my top ways that I’ve used to bring more money into my life. I won’t endorse any specific one, but this article will provide you a stepping stone to learning more about alternative ways to change your life to attract more money!

Keep reading but don’t miss out on these articles!

“What you imagine, you create” – Buddha

1. Vision Boards

I decided to start with the easiest one first!

If you’ve been around the #financialfreedom movement, you’ve probably heard this term thrown around in books and on blog posts.

Vision boards can be a wide variety of things – from pictures tacked on a cork board, to an elaborate poster board, to words listed on a sheet of notebook paper.

The idea with vision boards is that you look at it each day and remind yourself of your goals and intentions for how you want to be in the future.

This will tie into the next topic, but I wanted to discuss the “why”, “how”, and effect of this method:

Why Vision Boards?

Many entrepreneurs and wealthy individuals have promoted the idea of vision boards, but what’s so great about them?

How Do Vision Boards Work?

One theory is, by focusing on your goals daily, it reminds your reticular activating system to look out for opportunities, people, and information that relates to what you focus on (i.e. your goals on your vision board!)

Our brains are wired to build associations. Therefore, this results in you noticing more things in your life that are related to your vision board.

In addition, some theorize that vision boards are simply a good daily reminder, and prevents them from spending more, making spontaneous decisions, and focusing on their future. This would be because the vision board keeps them familiar with exactly how they want to be in their years ahead.

Does a Vision Board really work?

I used to have a well put-together vision board but recently decided to create “vision wallpapers” on my phone. I have put together a “vision board” as my phone background so literally every time I pick it up, I am reminded of the financially free life I strive to have!

My life has been much more focused since starting vision boards. It was the first “alternative method” I tried, and still use it daily!

Check out my personal article on how to start your own vision board!

2. Fung Shui

Fung Shui is one of those methods that can really turn on or turn off a person. Meaning, it is a bit more odd, and less proven – yet, widely used throughout the world.

I came across Fung Shui over a year ago and gave it the “why not!” try. It is very simple and requires little to no money.

During my research over the years, I had seen a handful of bloggers talk about how minimalism resulted in a boost in profits, cash flow, and opportunities for more money.

Sounds a bit hokey, right? I thought so too.

So, what exactly is Fung Shui?

In the most basic explanation, this practice is focused on getting rid of clutter (“energy”) in order to allow more positive energy in your home or work environment. This is essentially the idea behind minimalism!

In Fung Shui, the idea is that your home is your vision board.

It is the practice of creating a healthy balance of energy with the natural world.

This practice believes certain objects can bring in more money, so I figured I’d give it a good try and see what happened!

I’ll discuss ways to attract more money with Fung Shui, the effect I felt it had on my life, and where you can learn more!

Attracting Money with Fung Shui

There are a handful of schools of thought with Fung Shui and by no means do I know all the ins and outs of this practice. However, I did do a couple dozen hours of research, along with having followed a handful of principles that were appropriate for a beginner.

According to this practice, all that is around you is creating a reality in your subconscious mind. The most significant areas include your office, living room, and bedroom.

Step 1: Declutter

The idea behind decluttering is that, with less objects come less energy. Less chaos results in calmer energy waves that allow calmer moods, relaxation, and focus.

  • Clean your front porch
  • Get rid of and hoarding you have in your home

Step 2: Symbols that Attract

There are certain objects that are to attract different things into your life – from love to riches. Here are objects that supposedly attract wealth:

  • Gold coins
  • “Babbling brook” – like a small waterfall fountain
  • Try a fortune lucky cat and display in your home
  • Vision board

My Luck With Fung Shui

I am not sure if it was just having a clean and organized home or the theory of the energies, but I started earning much more from my blog when I started practicing Fung Shui. This could have been due to my focus of creating a healthy thinking space in my office.

Nevertheless, I believe it is a healthy habit to clean up the energy of your living or work space, in order to calm the mind and allow for more freedom of thought and more creativity!

Learn More About Fung Shui

Honestly, I did a lot of self-teaching when it came to this practice. I started learning from Marie Diamond and ventured to watching seminars on YouTube and reading countless articles.


3. Law of Attraction

This is probably the most famous of the methods of abundance!

This method, too, may sound odd to newcomers, but let me explain!

The Law of Attraction works by realizing that your thoughts and feelings have a direct impact on the Universe. As in, it effects energies, opportunities, and others around you.

How to Try the Law of Attraction

1. The First Step is Simply BELIEVING

I’ve listened a handful of powerful talks by Regan Hillyer, and she is a great example of someone who manifested wealth into her life.

There are also books like Think and Grow Rich that start with this very basic concept: We will manifest what we focus our thoughts on.

Want to be wealthy and prosperous? Believe that you are capable of being wealthy. The key is to dominate your thoughts with positive words of affirmation to yourself.

If you believe you’re not worthy of wealth, or that it isn’t possible for you to be rich, your chances of being rich are incredibly slim.

2. Manifest With Meditation

Meditation is a powerful tool that can significantly reduce stress, improve self-esteem, and enhance your potential for achieving your goals.

I learned a TON about meditation from one of my favorite books, The Code of the Extraordinary Mind!

But, if you’re familiar with meditation already, try focusing on visualizations during your meditation.

“What you imagine, you create” – Buddha


I highly recommend you first either read a book or watch a few videos on YouTube to learn a bit more on the L.O.A. (Law of Attraction). There are TONS of resources out there!

However, be sure to familiarize yourself with terminology like your vibration, energy, manifesting, and even consider looking into meditation!

How Effective is the Law of Attraction?

I swear by this method, and find it to be the most helpful of any method I’ve attempted.

Honestly, I think the biggest reason for this is due to the positive thinking – you learn that you are fully capable of achieving any of your life’s goals, and even though you have NO IDEA how you’d achieve those goals…you keep faith that it will happen somehow!

I have achieved a handful of unique goals of mine, including goals centered in wealth creation. But, is it effect because of the reticular activating system? Actually affecting nearby energies in the Universe? Simply regularly refocusing on your goals?

What I do know is that this is a popular method that MANY swear their monetary successes on. Be sure to start learning more about it today so you can start practicing right away!

To conclude, here are some extra articles to learn from!


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